Book chapters

Book chapters listed from the most recent to the oldest. Links are provided to open access publications or the book description.

girl with books

  • M Larkin, L Bortolotti and M Lim (2024). Expertise as perspectives in dialogue. In M Farina, A Lavazza and D Pritchard (eds.), Expertise: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford University Press, chapter 5.

  • E Vintiadis and L Bortolotti (2022). The role of context in belief evaluation. In J Musolino et al. (eds.) The Cognitive Science of Belief. Cambridge University Press, chapter 4.
  • L Bortolotti and M Aliffi (2021). The epistemic benefits of irrational boredom. In A Elpidorou (ed.) The Moral Psychology of Boredom. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • L Bortolotti and S Stammers (2020). When the Personal Becomes Political: How Do We Fulfil Our Epistemic Duties Relative to the Use of Autobiographical Stories in Public Debates? In S Stapleford and K McCain (eds.) Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. Routledge, chapter 16.
  • F Bongiorno and L Bortolotti (2019). The role of unconscious inference in models of delusion formation. In A Nes and T Chan (eds.) Inference and Consciousness. Routledge, chapter 3.

  • L Bortolotti and R Gunn (2017). Delusion. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
  • K Miyazono, L Bortolotti and M Broome (2014). Prediction-error and two-factor theories of delusion formation: competitors or allies? In N Galbraith (ed.) Aberrant Beliefs and Reasoning. Psychology Press, 34-54.

  • L Bortolotti, R Cox, M Broome and M Mameli (2012). Rationality and self-knowledge in delusions and confabulations: implications for autonomy as self-governance. In L Radoilska (ed.) Autonomy and Mental Disorder. Oxford University Press, chapter 5, 100-122.
  • L Bortolotti (2010). Double bookkeeping in delusions: explaining the gap between saying and doing. In K Frankish, A Buckareff and J Aguilar (eds.) New Waves in the Philosophy of Action. Palgrave, chapter 11.
  • L Bortolotti (2009). Delusion. In E Zalta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Revised and updated in September 2018 and May 2022.